Burrito Drones

The world is a weird and wonderful place. Coming soon–pending FAA permission–home delivery of Mexican food via drone aircraft.

The good folks at Darwin Aerospace have figured out how to use drones to parachute burritos directly onto your property. They await pending FAA reforms before they can go into business, however. Here’s how it works:

It works like this:

You connect to the Burrito Bomber web-app and order a burrito. Your smartphone sends your current location to our server, which generates a waypoint file compatible with the drone’s autopilot.

We upload the waypoint file to the drone and load your burrito in to our custom made Burrito Delivery Tube.

The drone flies to your location and releases the Burrito Delivery Tube. The burrito parachutes down to you, the drone flies itself home, and you enjoy your carne asada.

[Hat to Glyph at the League of Ordinary Gentlemen]

About James Hanley

James Hanley is an independent policy analyst. He has a PhD in political science, previously taught political science and economics at Adrian College, and was a Fellow at the Empire Center for Public Policy.
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12 Responses to Burrito Drones

  1. AMW says:

    Weird and wonderful, indeed. But I can’t get past the cognitive dissonance of the wonders that drone technology may bring me and the terror that it is bringing to so many on the other side of the world.

  2. Lancifer says:

    One wonders about the possible “collateral damage” of off target burritos.


  3. Matty says:

    io saturnalia

  4. Lancifer says:

    Back at ya Matty.

    We just had a winter storm drop 8 inches of snow here in central Indiana and it’s feeling very winter soltacie.

    I always love the first big snow. I spent about three hours digging out and chopping wood for the wood stove. Kidist, Philo and I sat in front of the fire drinking the last of a bottle of Champagne.

  5. Matty says:

    Thanks, and I’m only a bit jealous as the seasonal rain stopped for most of the 25th for us.

  6. Dr X says:

    Lance, up here in Chicago we got our first snow accumulation in over 290 days on December 25, but it was only a disappointing inch or so. At that, it was lake-effect snow which don’t quite regard as a real snowfall, no matter how deep it might get. It would be kind of like coming out of a hot shower, looking around the bathroom and declaring it a foggy day.

  7. Lancifer says:

    Dr X,

    We had another five inches overnight. It was one of those slow soft accumulations that made everything look like a winter fairy tale. Even my wife Kidist, a native African who usually hates snow, commented on how “beautiful” it looked this morning.

    290 days without snow in Chicago is odd, but I’m betting you’ll be getting some of the white stuff soon enough. Tempting the snow gods is never a good idea in the windy city. I can still remember the site of abandoned cars on Lower Wacker Drive on a trip to Chicago a few years back. It looked like a scene out of some post apocalyptic disaster movie.

    I lived in Chicago (actually Evanston and a few other northern burbs) back in the seventies and eighties. I still have friends there. I am always shocked at how bad the traffic is when I visit from the Hoosier state.

    Great place to visit but it’s starting to feel like the mega-metroplexes of the east coast. The ratio of hominids to land area is way too high for me. Hell, Indianapolis is seeming to crowded to me of late.

    I guess it’s only a matter of time until I retreat to a rural “compound” and go out in a blaze of anti-authoritarian glory in gun battle with the feds. Of course I’ll have to buy some guns first (never have owned one) and change me name to some Hebrew word that means “vengeance of the righteous” or something.

  8. Dr X says:


    Our lack of snow is, as you well know, extremely unusual. There was a snowpocalypse here two years ago. In the third photo down you can see the top of a parking meter sticking up out of the snow.


    I was actually in Evanston that morning sitting in a cafe waiting for someone when I snapped this.


  9. Lancifer says:

    Holy Moly, I think that was the storm that hit a week or so before I visited Chicago.

    As I said there were still cars abandoned on Lower Wacker Drive that looked like something from the Lebanese Civil War.

    I tried to insert a Jpeg of a street lined with burned out cars but I think it would clog James’ spam filter. But you get the idea. It was a pretty sobering sight.

    Hopefully when the inevitable snow storm hits it will be less of an “apocalypse” and more of a “winter wonderland”.

  10. Dr X says:

    That was probably the same storm because Lower Wacker was a mess for days, like most of the side streets and alleys. Below, same storm, Lake Shore Drive Northbound. It took days to get all the cars off the drive. Fortunately, I took the el that day.


    Were you here when Bilandic lost to Jane Byrne after the big snow storm?

  11. Lancifer says:

    Were you here when Bilandic lost to Jane Byrne after the big snow storm?

    Yes, and no. My family had moved to Indianapolis, in late 1976, but I spent most of my free time (weekends, holidays etc.) in Chicago. I had a friend whose mother pretty much adopted me and I felt more at home in her home in Chicago than I did in Indy for years.

    I remember that election, but I was technically a “Hoosier” so I couldn’t vote in Chicago.

    I still feel a deep connection to the city of Chicago.

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